Image descriptions
Image one: E-book titled History and Literature: New Readings of Jewish Texts in Honor of Arnold J. Band (2020) - synopsis: Arnold Band ran the graduate program in modern Hebrew literature at UCLA. He insisted that understanding the texts required both close readings and an attention to historical context. Band also stressed the interrelationship between Hebrew and Yiddish works, as well as the importance of the impact of Western languages and the classical Jewish texts. Cutter and Jacobson present 38 essays chosen to honor his work by reflecting the range of his concerns.
Image two: E-book titled The Shaping of Persian Art: Collections of Interpretations of the Art of Islamic Iran and Central Asia (2013) - synopsis: Discusses how the impact of the Persian style is undeniably reflected in most aspects of the art and architecture of Islamic Central Asia and how this Perso-Central Asian connection was chiefly formed and articulated by the Euro-American movement of collecting and interpreting the art and material culture of the Persian Islamic world in modern times. This had an enormous impact on the formation of scholarship and connoisseurship in Persian art, for instance, with an attempt to define the characteristics of how the Islamic art of Iran and Central Asia should be viewed and displayed at museums, and how these subjects should be researched in academia.