Image descriptions
Image one: E-book titled I Fight for a Living: Boxing and the Battle for Black Manhood, 1880-1915 (2017) - synopsis: As the author details, boxers bought into American ideas about masculinity and free enterprise to prove their equality while using their bodies to become self-made men. The African American middle class, meanwhile, grappled with an expression of public black maleness they saw related to disreputable leisure rather than respectable labor. Moore shows how each fighter conformed to middle-class ideas of masculinity based on his own judgment of what culture would accept.
Image two: E-book titled The Black Musician and the White City: Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967 (2014) - synopsis: Amy Absher’s The Black Musician and the White City tells the story of African American musicians in Chicago during the mid-twentieth century. While depicting the segregated city before World War II, Absher traces the migration of black musicians, both men and women and both classical and vernacular performers, from the American South to Chicago during the 1930s to 1950s.