Image descriptions:

Image one: E-book titled Creating and Sustaining Effective K-12 School Partnerships: Firsthand Accounts of Promising Practices (2019) - synopsis: This book is a compilation of manuscripts and studies that explore partnerships and strategies educators and educational leaders use to produce positive socio-educational outcomes for Black students in various contexts. Creating and Sustaining Effective K-12 School Partnerships: Firsthand Accounts of Promising Practices is unique because it illuminates examples of effective school-community partnerships that foster positive student outcomes. This book is intended as a practical text for committed educational leaders, at different professional points (e.g., practicing teachers, pre-service school counselors and teachers), who are eager to transform the current educational trajectory of Black children through interventions.

Image two: E-book titled: Technical Career Survival Handbook: 100 Things You Need to Know (2016) - synopsis: Provides the information needed to survive a technical career, enabling prospective technical career candidates and those currently in technical careers to explore all technical education possibilities, industries, disciplines, and specialties. This handbook better equips the reader to deal with the tough situations and decisions they will have to make throughout their career. Topics include preparing for the workforce, employment challenges, and dealing with on-the-job situations.