Image descriptions:
Image one: E-book titled Job Skills: Job Interview Basics (2017) - synopsis: Covers topics like: Life Skills, Job Interview Basics, Job Skills, Independent Living, Flip Book, Fiction, Nonfiction, Teen, Young Adult, Emergent Reader, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, EL, ESL, Struggling Learner, Struggling Reader, Special Education, SPED, Newcomers, Reading, Learning, Education, Educational, Educational Books.
Image two: E-book titled Occupational Outlook Handbook (2020) - synopsis: The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings, and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States.