Image descriptions
Image one: E-book titled How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health Care Professionals:(2016) - synopsis: Using plain, intelligible language, this book outlines the basic principles of breaking bad news and presents a technique, or protocol, that can be easily learned. It draws on listening and interviewing skills that consider such factors as: how much the patient knows and/or wants to know; how to identify the patient’s agenda and understanding; and how to respond to his or her feelings about the information. Also discusses reactions of family and friends and of other members of the health care team.
Image two: E-book titled Careers in Health Information Technology (2015) - synopsis: Describes 75 jobs and how to attain them. Information technology is one of the fastest-growing segments of the labor market. This practical, one-stop career guide describes the depth and breadth of job opportunities and careers currently available in health information technology (HIT), and helps readers to enter and advance within this expanding field. The book offers guidance for students in higher education and currently employed individuals looking for mid-career opportunities. It includes a description of educational requirements for success in the HIT field and major themes of the HIT workforce such as informatics, provider-based jobs, vendor, government, and payer-based employment.