Image descriptions:

Image one: E-book titled Legacy of the Crash: How the Financial Crisis Changed American and Britain (2011) - synopsis: When the global financial system crashed, governments in America and Britain performed the greatest bailout in history. The legacy is record government debt, low growth and a new era of austerity. A stellar cast of contributors, including Tim Bale, Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson provide a sophisticated account of how the administrations are faring.

Image two: E-book titled Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison during the Vietnam War (2014) - synopsis: Bruce Dancis grew up in a radical household and took part in the 1963 March on Washington as a fifteen-year-old. He became the first student at Cornell to defy the draft by tearing up his draft card and soon became a leader of the draft resistance movement. He also turned down a student deferment and refused induction into the armed services. He was the principal organizer of the first mass draft card burning during the Vietnam War, an activist in the Resistance (a nationwide organization against the draft), and a co-founder and president of the Cornell chapter of Students for a Democratic Society.