Image descriptions
Image one: E-book titled Queer between the Covers: Histories of Queer Publishing and Publishing Queer Voices (2021) - synopsis: Queer Between the Covers presents a history of radical queer publishing and literature from 1880 to the modern day. Chronicling the gay struggle for acceptance and liberation, this book demonstrates how the fight for representation was often waged secretly between the covers of books at a time when public spaces for queer identities were limited. The chapters provide an array of voices and histories – from the famous, Derek Jarman and Oscar Wilde, to the lesser-known and underappreciated John Wieners and Valerie Taylor. It includes first-hand accounts of seminal moments in queer history, including the birth of Hazard Press and the Defend Gay’s the Word Bookshop campaign in the 1980s.
Image two: E-book titled Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age (2014) - synopsis: Alan Turing is regarded as one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century. Best known as the genius who broke Germany’s most secret codes during the war of 1939-45, Turing was also a gay man and the father of the modern computer. Here, author Jack Copeland provides an account of Turing’s life and work, exploring the key elements of his life-story in tandem with his leading ideas and contributions.