The UNT Dallas Library is excited to offer a trial to Statista, a powerful database for market research, consumer insights, and industry trends. This valuable resource is available until July 10th, 2024.

Why Use Statista?

Dive into Extensive Data: Explore a vast collection of statistics, reports, and market research covering a wide range of topics.

  • Business and Finance: Explore data on global economic indicators, company financials, investment trends, and employment statistics.

  • Media and Communications: Gain insights into social media usage, mobile app downloads, digital advertising spending, and emerging technologies.

  • Education and Society: Find statistics on demographics, population trends, healthcare, education levels, and social issues.

  • Political Science and Government: Research data on voting patterns, government spending, political party affiliation, and global power rankings.

  • Market research: Analyze trends in consumer behavior, e-commerce statistics, brand preferences, and specific industry reports.

Navigate with Ease: The user-friendly interface makes finding the information you need a breeze.

Unleash Data Potential: Download data in various formats for further analysis and impactful presentations.

Your Feedback Matters
We're committed to providing the resources that best support your research. To help us decide on a permanent Statista subscription, we kindly ask you to complete a brief survey about their experience with the database. Your insights are crucial in determining Statista's usefulness across various disciplines. The survey takes just a few minutes – click the link to share your feedback - Survey Link