Image descriptions:
Image one: E-book titled The Craft of Research (2016) - synopsis: With more than three-quarters of a million copies sold since its first publication, The Craft of Research has helped generations of researchers at every level—from first-year undergraduates to advanced graduate students to research reporters in business and government—learn how to conduct effective and meaningful research. Conceived by seasoned researchers and educators, this fundamental work explains how to find and evaluate sources, anticipate and respond to reader reservations, and integrate these pieces into an argument that stands up to reader critique.
Image two: E-book titled The Student's Guide to Research Ethics (2020) - synopsis: This reader-friendly book examines the ethical issues and questions that occur in university and professional research and will help both beginning and experienced researchers to identify ethical issues when they are conducting research. The book thoroughly examines the broader ethical issues that arise throughout research, from the design stage through to data collection and analysis.