Image descriptions:

Image one: E-book titled The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer: From Surviving to Thriving (2017) - synopsis: The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer is a comprehensive guide, designed to make college transfer between four-year schools as successful as possible. Chapters outline the steps to take from the moment a student finds him/herself considering college transfer to the first semester at his/her next college. The book contains vignettes (based on real student stories) and excerpts from interviews with transfer students, parents, and higher education professionals.

Image two: E-book titled Successful Dissertations: The Complete Guide for Education, Childhood, and Early Childhood Studies Students (2018) - synopsis: Whether looking for guidance on the whole process, needing help with conducting a literature review or interpreting your quantitative and qualitative data, this accessible and empowering guide will take you through the dissertation process and provide all the information you need to make the most of your research project.