E-book titled Bricktop's Paris: African American Women in Paris between the Two World Wars (2015) - synopsis: During the Jazz Age, France became a place where an African American woman could realize personal freedom and creativity, in narrative or in performance, in clay or on canvas, in life and in love. Bricktop’s Paris introduces the reader to twenty-five of these women and the city they encountered. Following this nonfiction account, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting provides a fictionalized autobiography of Ada “Bricktop” Smith, which brings the players from the world of nonfiction into Paris.
E-book titled Black Hair in a White World (2023) - synopsis: The essays in this anthology discuss representations and responses to Black hair, including analysis of research findings about marketing messages and depictions of Black hair in popular culture, discussions of workplace discrimination, and stories about the origins of the natural hair movement and how many Black people have learned to embrace and celebrate their natural hair. Beginning with a close analysis of historical and contemporary books, media, and ads, Black Hair in a White World illustrates the various responses to Black hair.