Image descriptions:
Image one: Welcome Back
Image two: E-book titled Check It Off!: Pave Your Way through College to Career (2016) - synopsis: Author Vera Teller, a college lecturer of first-year seminars, shows readers what they need to do in college to prepare themselves to seek employment and obtain a career once graduated. Check It Off! provides a checklist of activities for each year of college to prepare the student for a career and to help him or her answer the three most important questions: 1. What do I like to do? 2. What do I want to do? 3. What does the world need?
Image three: E-book titled The Secrets of College Success (2019) - synopsis: The over 800 tips in this book will show you how to: pick courses and choose a major; manage your time and develop college-level study skills; get good grades and manage the “core” requirements; get motivated and avoid stress; interact effectively with your professor; prepare for a productive career.