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Image one: Book titled To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and Economic Justice (2018) - synopsis: Explores Martin Luther King, Jr.'s profound commitment to the poor and working class and his call for "nonviolent resistance" to all forms of oppression, including the economic injustice that "takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes." - available in the in the UNT Dallas Library collection

Image two: Book titled Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (2010) - synopsis: In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. isolated himself from the demands of the Civil Rights Movement, rented a house in Jamaica with no telephone, and labored over his final manuscript. In this prophetic work, which as been unavailable for more than ten years, he lays out his thoughts, plans, and dreams for America's future, including the need for better jobs, higher wages, decent housing, and quality education. - available in the UNT Dallas Library collection

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. - Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary. 

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Image one: Book titled Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63 (1988) - synopsis: Taylor Branch provides an unsurpassed portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s rise to greatness and illuminates the stunning courage and private conflict, the deals, maneuvers, betrayals, and rivalries that determined history behind closed doors, at boycotts and sit-ins, on bloody freedom rides, and through siege and murder. - available in the UNT Dallas Library Collection

Image two: Book titled Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65 (1999) - synopsis: In the second volume of his three-part history, beginning with Parting the Waters, Taylor Branch portrays the Civil Rights Movement at its zenith, recounting the climatic struggles as they commanded the national stage. - available in the UNT Dallas Library collection 

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. - Anation that continues to year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom. 

Image one: Book titled The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (2001) - synopsis: An autobiography of the Baptist minister Martin Luther King, Jr., compiled and edited from articles, essays, speeches, sermons, letters, and other sources, examining his private and public life and describing his involvement in many important events in the Civil Rights Movement. - available in the UNT Dallas Library collection

Image two: Book titled Martin and Malcolm and America: A Dream or a Nightmare? (2012) - synopsis: While Martin Luther King, Jr., saw America as essentially a dream as yet unfulfilled, Malcolm X viewed America as a realized nightmare. James Cone cuts through superficial assessments of King and Malcolm as polar opposites to reveal two men whose visions are complementary and moving toward convergence. - available in the UNT Dallas Library collection

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. - Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. 

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Image one: E-book titled Prophet of Discontent: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Critique of Racial Capitalism (2021) - synopsis: Invokes contemporary discourse on racial capitalism in a powerful reassessment of Martin Luther King Jr.’s thinking and legacy. Like today’s organizers, King was more than a dreamer. He knew that his call for a “radical revolution of values” was complicated by the production and circulation of value under capitalism. Shining new light on King’s largely implicit economic and political theories, and expanding appreciation of the Black radical tradition to which he belonged, this book reconstructs, develops, and carries forward King’s strikingly prescient critique of capitalist society.

Image two: E-book titled Martin Luther King Jr., Heroism, and African American Literature (2014) - synopsis: African American writers have incorporated Martin Luther King Jr. into their work since he rose to prominence in the mid-1950s. Martin Luther King Jr., Heroism, and African American Literature is a study by award-winning author Trudier Harris of King’s character and persona captured and reflected in works of African American literature as they continue to evolve. 

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Quote by Martin Luther King Jr. - The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Quote from Martin Luther King Jr. - We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. 

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Image one: MLK Day

Image two: E-book titled Misremembering Dr. King: Revisiting the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. (2014) - synopsis: We all know the name. Martin Luther King Jr., the great American civil rights leader. But most people today know relatively little about King, the campaigner against militarism, materialism, and racism - what he called the “giant triplets.” Author Jennifer J. Yanco takes steps to redress this imbalance by briefly telling the familiar story of King’s civil rights campaigns and accomplishments before moving on to the lesser-known concerns that are an essential part of his legacy.

Image three: E-book titled The Chicago Freedom Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Activism in the North (2016) - synopsis: Six months after the Selma to Montgomery marches and just weeks after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a group from Martin Luther King Jr.'s staff arrived in Chicago, eager to apply his nonviolent approach to social change in a northern city. The open housing demonstrations they organized eventually resulted in a controversial agreement with Mayor Richard J. Daley and other city leaders, the fallout of which has historically led some to conclude that the movement was largely ineffective. In this important volume, an eminent team of scholars and activists offer an alternative assessment of the Chicago Freedom Movement's impact on race relations and social justice, both in the city and across the nation. 

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