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profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Resources: Streaming Video

Streaming video database 1: Psychotherapy.net - Allows users to watch master therapists conducting psychotherapy sessions and over 300 training videos featuring leading practitioners in the field.

Streaming video database 2: Behavioral and Mental Health Online - Features applied training materials that help today's counseling students, faculty, and practitioners put theory into practice. The award-winning resources in the database offer more than 2,000 hours of training videos, conference sessions, and footage of actual therapy sessions.

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Image one: E-book titled E-book titled Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology: From College to Career (2013) - synopsis: Drawing on current research data, applied theory, and both academic and workplace experiences, this book will help stimulate self-reflection and improve decision making as students approach their careers. The text covers key topics in the college-to-career transition, including career planning and development, identifying and transferring marketable skills, building and sustaining strong networks, understanding what employers want and don’t want, coping with personal life changes, becoming a valued employee, and more.

Image two: E-book titled Expanding Your English and Creative Skills through Art and the Humanities (2018) - synopsis: Expanding your English and Creative Skills through Art and the Humanities has been designed for students or professionals who would like to use and improve their English in areas such as history, art history, literature, film and media, and language, at an upper-intermediate or advanced level. This book integrates practice of the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) and has been written from a holistic and humanistic approach.

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E-book titled Careers in Mental Health: Opportunities in Psychology, Counseling, and Social Work - synopsis: Contains essential career advice for anyone considering an advanced degree in one of the “helping” professions within mental health, including clinical psychology, counseling psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse counseling, and school psychology. This book also clarifies the distinctions between professions by discussing the history and philosophy of each field, requirements for advanced education, licensing, available jobs, salary potential, and more.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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E-book titled DSM: A History of Psychiatry's Bible - synopsis: Over the past seventy years, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, has evolved from a virtually unknown and little-used pamphlet to an imposing and comprehensive compendium of mental disorder. Its nearly 300 conditions have become the touchstones for the diagnoses that patients receive, students are taught, researchers study, insurers reimburse, and drug companies promote. Although the manual is portrayed as an authoritative corpus of psychiatric knowledge, it is a product of intense political conflicts, dissension, and factionalism.  The DSM is fundamentally a social document that both reflects and shapes the professional, economic, and cultural forces associated with its use.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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E-book titled Ties That Enable: Community Solidarity for People Living with Serious Mental Health Problems - synopsis: The authors integrate their knowledge of mental health care as researchers, teachers, and advocates and rely on the experiences of people living with severe mental health problems to help understand the sources of community solidarity. Communities are the primary source of social solidarity, and given the diversity of communities, solutions to the problems faced by individuals living with severe mental health problems must start with community level initiatives. The authors argue that mental health reform efforts need to move beyond a focus on individual recovery to more complex understandings of the meaning of community care. 


profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: E-book titled The Anxiety Survival Guide: Getting through the Challenging Stuff - synopsis: Co-written with psychologists and a college student who has experienced anxiety herself, this is a relatable and straightforward guide to managing worry in emerging adulthood. As well as providing tried-and-tested advice and exercises that are proven to reduce feelings of anxiety, it includes recovery stories from people who have managed their symptoms successfully. It begins with what is difficult and challenging about young adulthood and how you can deal with uncertainty in life. It goes on to examine change and challenges, giving tips about what can help in specific scenarios such as exams, relationships, leaving home and interviews. 

Image two: E-book titled Beyond Schizophrenia: Living and Working with a Serious Mental Illness - synopsis: The experience of living and working with schizophrenia is often fraught with challenges and setbacks. This book is a comprehensive attempt to explain why, in spite of near-miraculous advances in medication and treatment, persons with mental illness fare worse than almost any other disadvantaged group in the labor market. As a researcher of economics and disability and the mother of a son with schizophrenia, the author speaks from both professional and personal experience. 

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: Mental Health Awareness Month

Image two: E-book titled You've Got This: A Student's Guide to Well-Being at University and Beyond - synopsis: This book guides you through your student journey from preparing to go to college or university, managing the academic pressures, finding a job, and everything in-between. Relevant scenarios are presented, linked to a series of topics that explore the challenges you might experience, along with self-enquiry reflections which help you to apply the theory to your own experience and key take-aways. The approaches and strategies outlined will help you improve your academic performance, enhance your social skills, learn to manage your emotions, reduce your anxieties, and help you to think in more empowering ways. 

Image three: E-book titled Technological Addictions - synopsis: Technological Addictions is a wakeup call alerting the medical community—and society at large—to the addictive potential of technology and to technological addictions as legitimate psychiatric conditions worthy of medical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. No other book tackles these addictions, individually and collectively, contextualizing them for both mental health professionals and the interested public.

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Resources: Streaming Video

Streaming video database 1: Psychotherapy.net - Allows users to watch master therapists conducting psychotherapy sessions and over 300 training videos featuring leading practitioners in the field.

Streaming video database 2: Behavioral and Mental Health Online - Features applied training materials that help today's counseling students, faculty, and practitioners put theory into practice. The award-winning resources in the database offer more than 2,000 hours of training videos, conference sessions, and footage of actual therapy sessions.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: E-book titled E-book titled Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology: From College to Career (2013) - synopsis: Drawing on current research data, applied theory, and both academic and workplace experiences, this book will help stimulate self-reflection and improve decision making as students approach their careers. The text covers key topics in the college-to-career transition, including career planning and development, identifying and transferring marketable skills, building and sustaining strong networks, understanding what employers want and don’t want, coping with personal life changes, becoming a valued employee, and more.

Image two: E-book titled Expanding Your English and Creative Skills through Art and the Humanities (2018) - synopsis: Expanding your English and Creative Skills through Art and the Humanities has been designed for students or professionals who would like to use and improve their English in areas such as history, art history, literature, film and media, and language, at an upper-intermediate or advanced level. This book integrates practice of the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) and has been written from a holistic and humanistic approach.

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Image one: E-book titled Transgender Mental Health (2018) - synopsis: Societal awareness of transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) individuals is greater now than at any point in history. However, most professional training programs for mental health professionals provide little to no education regarding gender diversity. Transgender Mental Health squarely addresses this deficit. This guide forgoes clinical jargon in favor of accessible, straightforward language designed to educate clinicians on how to address the basic needs of the TGNC community, thus increasing access to mental health care for TGNC individuals, which has been sorely lacking to this point.

Image two: E-book titled Indian Blood: HIV and Colonial Trauma in San Francisco's Two-Spirit Community (2016) - synopsis: The first book to examine the correlation between mixed-race identity and HIV/AIDS among Native American gay men and transgendered people, Indian Blood provides an analysis of the emerging and often contested LGBTQ “two-spirit” identification as it relates to public health and mixed-race identity. Using surveys, focus groups, and community discussions to examine the experiences of HIV-positive members of San Francisco’s two-spirit community, Indian Blood provides an innovative approach to understanding how colonization continues to affect American Indian communities and opens a series of crucial dialogues in the fields of Native American studies, public health, queer studies, and critical mixed-race studies.

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Image one: E-book titled Professional Development in Applied Linguistics: A Guide to Success for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty (2020) - synopsis: Success in academia requires more than an understanding of discipline-specific literature and an ability to teach and do research. It is also necessary to develop an understanding of a range of professionally-oriented skills such as how to identify and apply to doctoral programs, how to make the most of conferences, how to achieve a semblance of work-life balance, and how to land a job. Unfortunately, however, training on such professional matters is often inconsistent and/or idiosyncratic. This book seeks to consolidate and demystify these critical and often-misunderstood aspects of professional development in the context of applied linguistics.

Image two: E-book titled How To Thrive at Work: Mindfulness, Motivation, and Productivity (2021) - synopsis: You cannot always alter the demands of your professional or personal lives but, by understanding more about how your brain functions and by actively pursuing well-being techniques, you can enhance the skills that help you manage and succeed at the challenges thrown at you and reduce the risks associated with burnout. With a focus on improving mindfulness, motivation and productivity, this book offers sound, practical advice and strategies for self-care whatever your working environment and whatever stage you are at in your career.

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Image one: E-book titled Poetry of Psychiatry: Essays on Early Twentieth-Century Russian Symbolist Culture (2014) - synopsis: A century ago the Symbolists in Moscow and St. Petersburg dreamed of a fundamental transformation of life in Russia. From their reading of signs in the heavens, these poets, philosophers, and mystics sensed that tsardom was on the threshold of an apocalyptic upheaval. The eventual collision between these dreams and tsarist reality generated enormous intellectual turbulence and the need for substitutes. Not least psychoanalysis came to the rescue of these stranded dreamers.

Image two: E-book titled American Scream: Allen Ginsberg's Howl and the Making of the Beat Generation (2004) - synopsis: Written as a cultural weapon and a call to arms, Howl touched a raw nerve in Cold War America and has been controversial from the day it was first read aloud nearly fifty years ago. This first full critical and historical study of Howl brilliantly elucidates the nexus of politics and literature in which it was written and gives striking new portraits of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and William Burroughs.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: E-book titled The Motive for Metaphor: Brief Essays on Poetry and Psychoanalysis (2015) - synopsis: This book is a small anthology: each chapter a kind of meditation—on poetry and psychoanalysis; on a poem, sometimes two; on poetry in general; on thought itself. The poems, both contemporary and classical, are beautiful and well worth a reader’s attention. The chapters were originally poetry columns that the author wrote for Psychologist-Psychoanalyst and Division/Review (both journals of the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association).

Image two: E-book titled The Poetry of Victorian Scientists: Style, Science, and Nonsense (2013) - synopsis: A surprising number of Victorian scientists wrote poetry. Many came to science as children through such games as the spinning-top, soap-bubbles and mathematical puzzles, and this playfulness carried through to both their professional work and writing of lyrical and satirical verse. This is the first study of an oddly neglected body of work that offers a unique record of the nature and cultures of Victorian science. Whereas science and literature studies have mostly focused upon canonical literary figures, this original and important book conversely explores the uses literature was put to by eminent Victorian scientists.

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Image one: E-book titled The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook: Proven Step-By-Step Techniques for Overcoming Your Fear (2017) - synopsis: There’s nothing wrong with being shy. But if shyness or social anxiety keeps you from building meaningful relationships with others, advancing in your education or career, or simply living your best life, The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook offers a comprehensive program to help you confront your fears and become actively involved in the world. This book incorporates breakthrough new research and techniques for overcoming social phobia, including a new chapter on mindfulness-based treatments, updated information on medications, and an overview of treatment-enhancing technological advances. As you complete the activities in this workbook, you'll learn to find your strengths and weaknesses using self-evaluation, explore and examine your fears, create a personalized plan for change, and put your plan into action through gentle and gradual exposure to the very social situations that cause you to feel uneasy.

Image two: E-book titled Emotion and Proactivity at Work: Prospects and Dialogues (2021) - synopsis: Individuals’ behaviors at work are known to be shaped by cold, or cognitive-motivational, processes as well as hot, or affect-motivational, processes. To date, employee proactivity research has mainly focused on the ‘cold’ side. But emotion has been proposed to ‘energize’ employees’ proactivity, especially in interdependent and uncertain work environments. In this pioneering work, expert scholars offer new thinking on the process by examining how emotion can drive employees’ proactivity in the workplace and how, in turn, that proactivity can shape one’s emotional experiences.

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Image one: E-book titled Mindful Twenty-Something: Life Skills to Handle Stress and Everything Else (2016) - synopsis: Presents a unique, evidence-based approach to help you make important life decisions with clarity and confidence. As a twenty-something, you may feel like you are being pulled in dozen different directions. The Koru Mindfulness program, developed at Duke University and already in use on numerous college campuses and in treatment centers across the country, is the only evidence-based mindfulness training program for young adults that has been empirically proven to have significant benefits for sleep, perceived stress, and self-compassion. Now, with The Mindful Twenty-Something, this popular program is accessible to all young adults struggling with stress. ​

Image two: E-book titled Studying Film with Andre Bazin (2019) - synopsis: Offers an entirely original interpretation of major concepts from Bazin’s legacy, such as auteur theory, realism, film language and the influence of film on other arts (poetry and painting in particular). By examining mostly unknown and uncollected texts, Blandine Joret explains Bazin’s methodology and adopts it in a contemporary reading, linking his ideas to major philosophical and scientific frameworks as well as more recent media practices such as advertising, CGI, 3D cinema and Virtual Reality. ​

Image three: E-book titled I Am Where I Come From: Native American College Students and Graduates Tell Their Life Stories (2017) - synopsis: Presents the autobiographies of thirteen Native American undergraduates and graduates of Dartmouth College, ten of them current and recent students. The autobiographies contained in I Am Where I Come From explore issues of native identity, adjustment to the college environment, cultural and familial influences, and academic and career aspirations. ​

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Image one: Resources - HeinOnline is a database containing legal journal articles, government documents, and legal treatises.

Image two: Resources - Nexis Uni features more than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources - including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. 

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Image one: E-book titled Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for U.S. Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016 (2018) - synopsis: Analysis of political advertising tends to give music short shrift - which flies in the face of what we know about the power of music to set a mood, affect feelings, and influence our perceptions. This book is the first to offer a detailed exploration of the role of music in US presidential campaign advertising, from Eisenhower to the present, showing that in many cases music isn't simply one element in the presentation of an ad's message - it's the dominant factor, more important than images, words, or narration.

Image two: E-book titled Detached: Building Houses in Postwar Suburbia (2015) - synopsis: Detached America is the first book with a national scope to explore the design and marketing of postwar houses. James A. Jacobs shows how these houses physically document national trends in domestic space and record a remarkably uniform spatial evolution that can be traced throughout the country. This vast and long-lived collaboration between government and business—fueled by millions of homeowners—established the financial mechanisms, consumer framework, domestic ideologies, and architectural precedents that permanently altered the geographic and demographic landscape of the nation.

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Image one: E-book titled Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements (2013) - synopsis: The Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements covers the history of this movement through a cross-referenced dictionary with entries on specific countries and regions, influential historical figures, laws that criminalized same-sex sexuality, various historical terms that have been used to refer to aspects of same-sex love, and contemporary events and legal decisions. 

Image two: E-book titled Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory (2017) - synopsis: Clinical Encounters in Sexuality makes an intervention into the fields of clinical psychoanalysis and sexuality studies, in an effort to think about a range of issues relating to sexuality from a clinical psychoanalytic perspective. This book concentrates on a number of concepts, such as identity, desire, pleasure, and more. The editors, Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson, have chosen queer theory, a sub-field of sexuality studies, as an interlocutor for the clinical contributors, because it is at the forefront of theoretical considerations of sexuality, as well as being both reliant upon and suspicious of psychoanalysis as a clinical practice and discourse. 

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Image one: E-book titled Occupational Stress: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Management Strategies (2019) - synopsis: Stress related work, although always present, is considered one of the new risks for occupational medicine. This is largely due to a general change in the organization of work, inevitable in a constantly evolving market. It is also due to the presence of objective and subjective indicators that allow a satisfactory, though very complex, risk assessment. This book, written by authors from all over the world, will analyze some aspects of this increasingly relevant subject.

Image two: E-book titled Women in Management: A Framework for Sustainable Work-Life Integration (2017) - synopsis: While most books focus on a fragmented, hyper-effective view of women and leadership, this book advances the need for an integrated approach. Its "Competing Values Framework" acts as an organizing model that aligns personal competency with organizational capability, helping readers to identify important leadership roles and competencies, break societal barriers, and choose the right set of behaviors to fit their personal and professional goals. In-chapter text boxes provide personal insight from real employees both entering and established in leadership positions, offering a varied perspective on the challenges and resolutions available to women in management. As men become more engaged with their families, they too will find this book a useful tool. 

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: E-book titled The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook (2017) - synopsis: If shyness or social anxiety keeps you from building meaningful relationships with others, advancing in your education or career, or simply living your best life, The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook offers a comprehensive program to help you confront your fears and become actively involved in the world. This book incorporates breakthrough new research and techniques for overcoming social phobia, including a chapter on mindfulness-based treatments, updated information on medications, and an overview of treatment-enhancing technological advances.

Image two: E-book titled The Toxic Boss Survival Guide: Tactics for Navigating the Wilderness at Work (2018) - synopsis: Chances are, you already know what it’s like to work for a toxic boss. You know they suck the air out of a room and the life out of their employees, and you don’t need a research report to tell you that working for one is a nightmare. If this sounds like your current reality, and you want help, this book is for you. The Toxic Boss Survival Guide can help you analyze your immediate situation, create a workable survival plan that fits your situation, and carry it out (including abandoning the situation, if that is what it takes to survive).

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Image one: E-book titled The Soul in the Brain: The Cerebral Basis of Language, Art, and Belief (2007) - synopsis: In this provocative study, Michael R. Trimble, M.D., tackles the interrelationship between brain function, language, art—especially music and poetry—and religion. By examining the breakdown of language in several neuropsychiatric disorders, he identifies brain circuits that are involved with metaphor, poetry, music, and religious experiences. Drawing on this body of evidence, Trimble argues that religious experiences and beliefs are explicable biologically and relate to brain function, especially of the nondominant hemisphere.

Image two: E-book titled The Afterlives of Animals: A Museum Menagerie (2011) - synopsis: This collection of essays—from a broad array of contributors, including anthropologists, curators, fine artists, geographers, historians, and journalists—comprises short "biographies" of a number of famous taxidermized animals. Each essay traces the life, death, and museum "afterlife" of a specific creature, illuminating the overlooked role of the dead beast in the modern human-animal encounter through practices as disparate as hunting and zookeeping.

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Image one: E-book titled The Sukkot and Simhat Torah Anthology (2018) - synopsis: The Sukkot and Simhat Torah Anthology offers new insight into the Festival of Ingathering, celebrating the harvest in the land of ancestors, and the Festival of Rejoicing in the Law, marking the new cycle of public Torah readings, by elucidating the two festivals’ background, historical development, and spiritual truths for Jews and humankind. Mining the Bible, postbiblical literature, Talmud, midrashim, prayers with commentaries, and Hasidic tales, the compendium also showcases humor, art, food, song, dance, essays, stories, and poems.

Image two: E-book titled The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology beyond Pleasure (2018) - synopsis: Combines the work of an excellent group of experts who explain evidence on the neural and biobehavioral science of the arts. Topics covered include the emergence of early art and the evolution of human culture, the interaction between cultural and biological evolutionary processes in generating artistic creation, the nature of the aesthetic experience of art, the arts as a multisensory experience, new insights from the neuroscience of dance, a systematic review of the biological impact of music, and more.

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