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ENGL 1313: Computer Assisted College Writing I

Writing as a means of critical thinking, with emphasis on the process of perfecting the essay through the writing of several drafts in the English computer classroom.


You may use the UNT Dallas Library catalog to search for physical books. 

You may also make a request to borrow books that the library does not hold within its collection by sending an Interlibrary loan request. Learn more about the interlibrary loan program by viewing the Tipasa (interlibrary loan guide).


Search the following databases for eBook.

Listed below is a sample of e-Books available to read online. 

TexShare Card and

UNT Dallas Library users may acquire a TexShare from the library. TexShare cards allow users to borrow library materials from participating libraries throughout the state of Texas. 

Cards are issued during normal library operating hours at the library service desk located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center. 

Please note: because of COVID-19 restrictions the Texshare card program has been suspended. The UNT Dallas Library will announce when the program is reinstated. 


Users may search library holdings by using the database. 

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