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Searching for Research Surveys & Questionnaires

  1. Most tests and surveys are copyright protected. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a full set of test/survey questions available in the research article.  To get the full-text of the test or survey, you will have to find the publisher of the test and see how much it will cost.  Often students who do not plan to publish the results of the test or survey may get discounted publisher pricing.
    • Mental Measurement Yearbook is a resource that allows you to search reviews of tests and surveys.  It also includes publisher information.
  2. Some questionnaires or surveys are published within an article.  To find them, conduct an article search in a library database on the topic of interest and add the Keywords: survey* and questionnaire*.
    • For example, search: aggression AND survey* OR questionnaire*.
    • The two best places to start would be:
  3. Search a subject specific database, such as PsychINFO to find articles that might either include the instrument or have a reference to another source that does.  When searching PsycINFO, you might try using the following search terms:
    • Attitude Measures
    • Questionnaires
    • Online Survey
    • Opinion Survey
    • General Health Questionnaires
    • Surveys
    • Mail Surveys
    • Customer Surveys
    • Telephone Surveys
    • Test Construction
    • Test Items
  4. Another source for psychology journal articles is PsycArticles that provides full-text, peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals.
  5. You may also consider searching theses and dissertations. Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global for survey* or questionnaire* and look for the documents' appendices.  Often instruments used in the research process are included.


*Compiled in collaboration with Librarian, Robert Taylor.

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