UNT Dallas Library News

Showing 17 of 17 Results

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: Welcome Back

Image two: E-book titled Check It Off!: Pave Your Way through College to Career (2016) - synopsis: Author Vera Teller, a college lecturer of first-year seminars, shows readers what they need to do in college to prepare themselves to seek employment and obtain a career once graduated. Check It Off! provides a checklist of activities for each year of college to prepare the student for a career and to help him or her answer the three most important questions: 1. What do I like to do? 2. What do I want to do? 3. What does the world need?

Image three: E-book titled The Secrets of College Success (2019) - synopsis: The over 800 tips in this book will show you how to: pick courses and choose a major; manage your time and develop college-level study skills; get good grades and manage the “core” requirements; get motivated and avoid stress; interact effectively with your professor; prepare for a productive career.

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Image one: Need data or statistics? - United States Census Bureau: Data on population, economy, education, employment, and more. - www.census.gov

Image two: Need data or statistics? - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Data and statistics on alcohol use; deaths and mortality; healthy aging; life expectancy; and more. - www.cdc.gov/datastatistics

Image three: Need data or statistics? - F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reporting: Data and statistics on crime in the United States; law enforcement officers killed and assaulted; hate crime statistics; cargo theft; and human trafficking. - www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/ucr

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Image one: E-book titled The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer: From Surviving to Thriving (2017) - synopsis: The Ultimate Guide to College Transfer is a comprehensive guide, designed to make college transfer between four-year schools as successful as possible. Chapters outline the steps to take from the moment a student finds him/herself considering college transfer to the first semester at his/her next college. The book contains vignettes (based on real student stories) and excerpts from interviews with transfer students, parents, and higher education professionals.

Image two: E-book titled Successful Dissertations: The Complete Guide for Education, Childhood, and Early Childhood Studies Students (2018) - synopsis: Whether looking for guidance on the whole process, needing help with conducting a literature review or interpreting your quantitative and qualitative data, this accessible and empowering guide will take you through the dissertation process and provide all the information you need to make the most of your research project.

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Image one: Resources - EBSCO EDS provides users with a streamlined search of multiple databases through a single search box.

Image two: Resources - ProQuest Central is a periodical resource that includes major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world. 

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Image one: E-book titled The Craft of Research (2016) - synopsis: With more than three-quarters of a million copies sold since its first publication, The Craft of Research has helped generations of researchers at every level—from first-year undergraduates to advanced graduate students to research reporters in business and government—learn how to conduct effective and meaningful research. Conceived by seasoned researchers and educators, this fundamental work explains how to find and evaluate sources, anticipate and respond to reader reservations, and integrate these pieces into an argument that stands up to reader critique.

Image two: E-book titled The Student's Guide to Research Ethics (2020) - synopsis: This reader-friendly book examines the ethical issues and questions that occur in university and professional research and will help both beginning and experienced researchers to identify ethical issues when they are conducting research. The book thoroughly examines the broader ethical issues that arise throughout research, from the design stage through to data collection and analysis.

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Image one: Welcome Back

Image two: E-book titled Check It Off!: Pave Your Way through College to Career (2016) - synopsis: Author Vera Teller, a college lecturer of first-year seminars, shows readers what they need to do in college to prepare themselves to seek employment and obtain a career once graduated. Check It Off! provides a checklist of activities for each year of college to prepare the student for a career and to help him or her answer the three most important questions: 1. What do I like to do? 2. What do I want to do? 3. What does the world need?

Image three: E-book titled The Secrets of College Success (2019) - synopsis: The over 800 tips in this book will show you how to: pick courses and choose a major; manage your time and develop college-level study skills; get good grades and manage the “core” requirements; get motivated and avoid stress; interact effectively with your professor; prepare for a productive career.

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Image one: Constitution Day - September 17

Image two: E-book titled Encyclopedia of the Continental Congresses (2015) - synopsis: Provides an in-depth look at the first Continental Congress in 1774, the second Continental Congress from 1775-1789, and the first Federal Congress in 1789. A product of over 25 years of research, this encyclopedia contains over 500 entries and is the first to cover specifically the Continental Congresses and the persons, places, and events who had an impact on these formative bodies.

Image three: E-book titled African Americans and the First Amendment: The Case for Liberty and Equality (2019) - synopsis: Utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to demonstrate that a strong commitment to civil liberty and to racial equality are mutually supportive. This crucial connection is evidenced throughout US history, from the days of colonial and antebellum slavery to Jim Crow: in the landmark US Supreme Court decision in 1937 freeing the black communist Angelo Herndon; in the struggles and victories of the civil rights movement, from the late 1930s to the late ’60s; and in the historical and modern debates over hate speech restrictions. Liberty and equality can conflict in individual cases, Shiell argues, but there is no fundamental conflict between them. Robust First Amendment values protect and encourage demands for racial equality while weak First Amendment values, in contrast, lead to censorship and a chilling of demands for racial equality.

Image four: E-book titled A Handy American Government Answer Book: How Washington, Politics, and Elections Work (2018) - synopsis: Filling the breach and answering basic questions about how our very complex government operates and what it promises, The Handy American Government Answer Book: How Washington, Politics, and Elections Work takes a comprehensive look at the historic development of the government, the functions of each branch of government, and the systems, people, and policies that comprise American democracy.

Image five: E-book titled After Roe: The Lost History of the Abortion Debate (2015) - synopsis: Forty years after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision legalizing abortion, Roe v. Wade continues to make headlines. After Roe: The Lost History of the Abortion Debate cuts through the myths and misunderstandings to present a clear-eyed account of cultural and political responses to the landmark 1973 ruling in the decade that followed. The grassroots activists who shaped the discussion after Roe, Mary Ziegler shows, were far more fluid and diverse than the partisans dominating the debate today.

Image six: E-book titled Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age (2011) - synopsis: Reframing Rights explores the evolving relationship of biology, biotechnology, and law through a series of national and cross-national case studies. Chapters examine such topics as national cloning and xenotransplant policies; the politics of stem cell research in Britain, Germany, and Italy; DNA profiling and DNA databases in criminal law; clinical trials in India and the United States; the GM crop controversy in Britain; and precautionary policymaking in the European Union. These cases demonstrate changes of constitutional significance in the relations among human bodies, selves, science, and the state.

Image seven: E-book titled A Constitutional History of the U.S. Supreme Court (2015) - synopsis: Presents a concise overview and general history for readers and students in constitutional history and politics, one that will also make an excellent fact-filled source book for lawyers and political scientists. The chapters deal with leading decisions of successive courts and begin with brief biographies of the justices on the courts. Famous cases from Marbury v Madison, to the Dred-Scott decision, Brown v Board of Education, Roe v Wade, up to the Roberts court decision on the constitutionality of Obamacare are discussed. Four appendices deal with the text of the Constitution and amendments, the court system, a chronological list of the justices with biographical details, and a chronological list of the membership on successive courts.

Image eight: E-book titled Supreme Decisions: Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact (2012) - synopsis: Covers twenty-four Supreme Court cases (twelve per volume) that have shaped American constitutional law. Interpretive chapters shed light on the nuances of each case, the individuals involved, and the social, political, and cultural context at that particular moment in history. Discussing cases from nearly every decade in a two-hundred-year span, Melvin I. Urofsky expounds on the political climate of the United States from the country's infancy through the new millennium.

Image nine: E-book titled Ethics and Accountability on the U.S. Supreme Court: An Analysis of Recusal Practices (2017) synopsis: Do US Supreme Court justices withdraw from cases when they are supposed to? What happens when the Court is down a member? In Ethics and Accountability on the US Supreme Court, Robert J. Hume provides the first comprehensive examination of the causes and consequences of recusal behavior on the Supreme Court. Using original data, and with rich attention to historical detail including media commentary about recusals, he systematically analyzes the factors that influence Supreme Court recusal, a process which has so far been shrouded in secrecy.

Image ten: E-book titled The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Rights and Gun Control in the United States (2016) - synopsis: Over 350 entries provide in-depth, unbiased coverage of both sides of the gun debate. Updated and expanded coverage includes new entries on recent gun laws and legislation, coverage of mass shootings, gun incidents and police shootings, plus new information from groups who support gun rights and those who support gun control in America.

Image eleven: E-book titled The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive (2014) - synopsis: The United States is divided about the death penalty: 17 states have banned it, while the remaining states have not. From wrongful convictions to botched executions, capital punishment is fraught with controversy. In The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive, award-winning criminal defense attorney Andrea Lyon turns a critical eye towards the reasons why the death penalty remains active in most states, in spite of well-documented flaws in the justice system. The book opens with an overview of the history of the death penalty in America, then digs into the reasons capital punishment is a fixture in the justice system of most states. 

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Image one: Need data or statistics? - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Data and statistics on alcohol use; deaths and mortality; healthy aging; life expectancy; and more. - www.cdc.gov/datastatistics

Image two: Need data or statistics? - F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reporting: Data and statistics on crime in the United States; law enforcement officers killed and assaulted; hate crime statistics; cargo theft; and human trafficking. - www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/ucr

Image three: Need data or statistics? - United States Census Bureau: Data on population, economy, education, employment, and more. - www.census.gov

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Image one: E-book titled Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide (2020) - synopsis: Expert authors take a flexible and interactive approach to physics based on new research-based methods about how people most effectively comprehend new material. The book takes complex concepts and breaks them down into practical, easy to digest terms.

Image two: E-book titled Chemistry: A Self-Teaching Guide (2020) - synopsis: Master the science of basic chemistry with this innovative, self-paced study guide. Teach yourself chemistry, refresh your knowledge in preparation for medical studies or other coursework, or enhance your college chemistry course. Use self-study features including review questions and quizzes to ensure that you're really learning the material. 

Image three: E-book titled Keywords for Environmental Studies (2016) - synopsis: Keywords for Environmental Studies analyzes the central terms and debates currently structuring the most exciting research in and across environmental studies, including the environmental humanities, environmental social sciences, sustainability sciences, and the sciences of nature.

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Image one: E-book titled Occupational Stress: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Management Strategies (2019) - synopsis: Stress related work, although always present, is considered one of the new risks for occupational medicine. This is largely due to a general change in the organization of work, inevitable in a constantly evolving market. It is also due to the presence of objective and subjective indicators that allow a satisfactory, though very complex, risk assessment. Related work stress generates repercussions on the company at every level, with a reduction in productivity, a reduction in the corporate image, a reduction in the quality of service, an increase in absenteeism, and the dissatisfaction of workers. This book, written by authors from all over the world, will analyze some aspects of this increasingly relevant subject.

Image two: E-book titled The New Employee Manual: A No-Holds-Barred Look at Corporate Life (2019) - synopsis: Welcome to Corporate Life. The New Employee Manual is not your Dad's or Mom's employee manual. It's the new playbook for corporate survival, fitting today's realities and the challenges facing employees who join or work in large, seemingly successful companies. Those companies already issued very specific and detailed employee manuals covering everything under the sun except how to compete well in our brave new world. The New Employee Manual will help you navigate the Corporate (with a capital C) labyrinth. 

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Image one: Career Development Month

Image two: E-book titled The Ultimate Job Hunting Book (2018) - synopsis: From crafting the perfect CV and finding the job of your dreams, to writing a great cover letter and winning at interview, The Ultimate Job Hunting Book is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Short, punchy chapters mean you can read up quickly and start applying what you've learned immediately.

Image three: E-book titled The Essential Job Interview Handbook (2013) - synopsis: The Essential Job Interview Handbook will help job seekers prepare effectively for interviews and become familiar with different types of interview questions and styles of interviews.

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Image one: E-book titled Stone by Stone: Exploring Ancient Sites on the Canadian Plains (2015) - synopsis: In this revised and updated edition of her one-of-a-kind guidebook, author Liz Bryan explores archaeological sites that are accessible to today's inquisitive travelers and provides enough detailed information, striking photographs, maps, and illustrations to satisfy any armchair archaeologist. With riveting insight and clarity, Bryan presents the stone effigies, cairns, medicine wheels, buffalo jumps, rock art, and remains of settlements scattered across this vast prairie, creating an invaluable resource for anyone who wishes to navigate these ancient sites and understand their significance.

Image two: E-book titled Prose: Literary Terms and Concepts (2012) - synopsis: Narratives come in many forms, fall into many genres, and tell the stories of an endless assortment of characters. Despite recurring themes and conceits in works from around the world, each story—from biography to science fiction—is singular and designed to elicit a distinct emotional response from its readers. The rhetorical tools and literary styles that have helped reinvent the art and study of storytelling over time are surveyed in this captivating volume.

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Image one: E-Book titled American Founders: How People of African Descent Established Freedom in the New World (2018) - synopsis: American Founders reveals men and women of African descent as key protagonists in the story of American democracy. It chronicles how Black people developed and defended New World settlements, undermined slavery, and championed freedom throughout the Americas from the 16th through the 20th century.

Image two: E-Book titled Walking Harlem: The Ultimate Guide to the Cultural Capital of Black America (2017) - synopsis: With its rich cultural history and many landmark buildings, Harlem is not just one of New York's most distinctive neighborhoods; it’s also one of the most walkable. This illustrated guide takes readers on five separate walking tours of Harlem, covering ninety-one different historical sites. Alongside major tourist destinations like the Apollo Theater and the Abyssinian Baptist Church, longtime Harlem resident Karen Taborn includes little-known local secrets like Jazz Age speakeasies, literati, political and arts community locales.

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Image one: A rendering of the signing of the constitution. Text: Patrick Henry was elected as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, but he declined because he "smelt a rat."

Image two: E-book titled Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age (2011) - synopsis: Reframing Rights explores the evolving relationship of biology, biotechnology, and law through a series of national and cross-national case studies. Chapters examine such topics as national cloning and xenotransplant policies; the politics of stem cell research in Britain, Germany, and Italy; DNA profiling and DNA databases in criminal law; clinical trials in India and the United States; the GM crop controversy in Britain; and precautionary policymaking in the European Union. These cases demonstrate changes of constitutional significance in the relations among human bodies, selves, science, and the state.

Image three: E-book titled Constitutional Environmental Rights (2005) - synopsis: This book shows why a fundamental right to an adequate environment ought to be provided in the constitution of any modern democratic state. This book is the first to examine the issue from the perspective of political theory. It explains why the right to an environment adequate for one's health and well-being is a genuine human right, and why it ought to be constitutionalized. It carefully elaborates this case and defends it in closely argued responses to critical challenges. It thus shows why there is no insurmountable obstacle to the effective implementation of this constitutional right, and why constitutionalizing this right is not democratically illegitimate.

Image four: E-book titled A Handy American Government Answer Book: How Washington, Politics, and Elections Work (2018) - synopsis: Filling the breach and answering basic questions about how our very complex government operates and what it promises, The Handy American Government Answer Book: How Washington, Politics, and Elections Work takes a comprehensive look at the historic development of the government, the functions of each branch of government, and the systems, people, and policies that comprise American democracy.

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Image one: Constitution Week

Image two: E-book titled Encyclopedia of the Continental Congresses (2015) - synopsis: Provides an in-depth look at the first Continental Congress in 1774, the second Continental Congress from 1775-1789, and the first Federal Congress in 1789. A product of over 25 years of research, this encyclopedia contains over 500 entries and is the first to cover specifically the Continental Congresses and the persons, places, and events who had an impact on these formative bodies.

Image three: E-book titled The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive (2014) - synopsis: The United States is divided about the death penalty: 17 states have banned it, while the remaining states have not. From wrongful convictions to botched executions, capital punishment is fraught with controversy. In The Death Penalty: What's Keeping It Alive, award-winning criminal defense attorney Andrea Lyon turns a critical eye towards the reasons why the death penalty remains active in most states, in spite of well-documented flaws in the justice system. The book opens with an overview of the history of the death penalty in America, then digs into the reasons capital punishment is a fixture in the justice system of most states.

profile-icon Zachary Brown

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Image one: E-book titled The Poetry of Physics and the Physics of Poetry (2010) - synopsis: This is a textbook for a survey course in physics taught without mathematics, that also takes into account the social impact and influences from the arts and society. It combines physics, literature, history and philosophy from the dawn of human life to the 21st century. It will also be of interest to the general reader.

Image two: E-book titled Historical Dictionary of Romanticism in Literature (2014) - synopsis: The Historical Dictionary of Romanticism in Literature provides a large overview of the Romantic Movement that seemed at the time to have swept across Europe from Russia to Germany and France, to Britain, and across the Atlantic to the United States. This volume takes a close and comprehensive look at romanticism in literature through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 800 cross-referenced entries on the writers and the poems, novels, short stories and essays, plays, and other works they produced; the leading trends, techniques, journals, and literary circles and the spirit of the times are also covered. 

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Image one: E-book titled Black Women of the Harlem Renaissance Era (2017) - synopsis: Black Women of the Harlem Renaissance Era profiles the most important figures of this cultural and intellectual movement. Highlighting the accomplishments of black women who sought to create positive change after the end of WWI, this reference work includes representatives not only from the literary scene but also activists, actresses, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, musicians, political leaders, and scholars.

Image two: E-book titled A Dictionary of Color (2004) - synopsis: This comprehensive resource explores every aspect of color and its many applications across the disciplines and through the ages. With more than 4,100 entries, this dictionary explores the language of color from historical, design, language, symbolic, literary, and commercial perspectives. Appendixes include adjectives of color, more than 1,000 colors arranged according to color groupings, and color phrases such as blue funk and scream blue murder. 

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