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HSML 1300: Intro to the Helping Profession

How to Create a Podcast Using Audacity


A podcast is a sound file that can be downloaded or streamed on the internet. They are generally spoken word but may contain music or other types of music. In the above video and following tutorial, you will learn how you can create a podcast using the open-source audio program Audacity.

  • Once downloaded and installed open the program. 
  • The Play, Record, and Selection Tool allow the user to navigate through the audio Timeline.

  • Make sure the correct microphone is selected before recording.
  • For best sound quality use an external  USB microphone. 

  • Click the red Record button when you are ready to record an audio track.

  • Use the Selection tool to highlight a portion of the audio recording. The highlighted portion can be played back by pressing the Play back button or deleted by clicking on the right mouse button, and selecting cut from the drop-down menu
  • The entire clip can be moved to different areas of the Timeline with the selection tool. 

  • Import additional audio files by clicking on File- Import- Audio.
  • Download theme music for your intro and outros. You may download royalty-free music that will allow you to avoid infringing musicians' copyrights. 
  • In this tutorial, the website was used to find royalty-free music.

  • Using the selection tool move the audio tracks to an appropriate location on the Timeline. 

  • Highlight a portion of an audio track in order to use an Effect. Then select the appropriate effect from the Effect drop-down menu. 
  • In this example, the Fade In and Fade Out Effects were used. 

  • Create a copy of a file by selecting the file with the Selection tool then clicking the right mouse button within the track then clicking then left clicking with the mouse outside the file. Then paste the copy of the file by pressing ctrl+v to paste the copy of the file. 
  • Select the copied file with the Selection tool and move it to an appropriate place on the Time line. 


There are two ways to save a podcast. The first is to save the file as a Project. This will allow you to make changes such as editing existing tracks or adding/deleting tracks. 

To save a Project file click File+Save Project

The other method should be used when you are ready to present your podcast in its final form. To do this you will need to export your file as either an MP3, WAV, or OGG file. MP3 is probably the most accessible format.

To save the final project as an MP# click File+Export+Export as MP3

The MP3 file will be saved to your computer and you will be able to attach the file to in order to send to your professor.

If the file size is too large you may upload it to your One Drive account and share a link. 

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